Saturday, March 2, 2013


by Brandon Stoops

     Sometimes a BigFella has something on his mind that he just needs to say.  Here's mine for the week.  Everyone at some point in time thought twice about walking into a gym.  Particularly when you're new, you're probably a little bit paranoid about what other members that might look better, be stronger, or just have been there longer might think about them.  A lot of individuals that I have trained and trained with over the years have taught me over that it really just doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you.  Why you might ask?  It's simple, we all started at the same place:  barely able to move the damn bar!
     My workout partner and I get a lot of the classic "back in high school" or "back in the day stories" from people that are always followed up with "well I can't do as much as you guys" when we invite them to partake in a little training time with us.  When I hear this the answer that comes out of my mouth is always the same:  "So what?" We all start at the same place and who are we to judge someone for where they are in their training.  I don't mind changing weights out all day long if someone is wanting to learn to lift.  I really don't and neither does my training partner.  It's all just part of the process of getting into anything dealing with strength sports: you're going to have to flip some plates back and forth.
     The only time I will ever rag on someone or just blow them out of the water on something is if they are just running off at the mouth and acting like a complete douche.  Act like that and I promise you that the moment you fuck up or even breathe wrong it's on.  I'm going to find every reason in the world to make you feel like you should never bother to touch a weight again if you're some cocky ass.  
     It's my opinion that lifters should be supportive of each other regardless of what your individual goals may be.  We all have this portion of our life in common.  We all have the same goal: to be the best we can at be at what we do, whether it's to be the strongest or the fittest or just to better ourselves individually.  I mention all this to get you to think a little more the next time you see someone training with weight that isn't quite what you work with.  Don't be rude if someone asks you training questions to better understand what you're doing.  We all need to help each other out.  No one should have to second guess themselves going into a gym. 
     Well I'll leave you with that little piece of my mind.  Until next time... stay healthy and keep lifting.

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