Monday, January 7, 2013

Email: Did You Hear That? A Visual Guide

by Brian Pittman

We have our first official email question sent in to The BigFella's Guide.

Gary writes:  "... I would really like someone to explain to me what's with all the screaming and yelling going on in the gym. It kind of freaks me out."

Gary, this is one of those really complicated simple answers.  Simply, all the noise you're hearing is most likely someone grunting, yelling, or the like with exertion.  Hey like it or not with enough weight on the bar EVERYBODY is gonna make some noise from time to time.  (It's probably worth noting that some of that grunting and yelling needs to have the words "in pain" tacked on to the end but let's just try not to focus on that, shall we?)

Where it gets complicated is when you start to wonder if all the noise you hear is necessary or even warranted.  What I mean is that there are some times that someone is in the gym and making noise just to draw attention to themselves.  We have a name for those folks:

In some cases, the noise you are hearing is simply intensity and emotion.  Hey, sometimes the large folk just excited when they finally pick up the equivalent of half of their F150 without soiling themselves.  That might look something like this:

Unless you're part of the group they're lifting with, just ignore it and go on.  Or join Planet Fitness. You know, the Lunk Alarm folks.

Lastly you may occasionally hear the random bodily function go off, loudly.  Just try to ignore as best possible or just break down and laugh with the rest of us.  It's okay, we all do it sooner or later.

Hope that answers your question Gary!

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