Happy New Year from all of us at The BigFella's Guide!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Happy Holidays from The BigFella's Guide
Talk about Santa Power!
Merry Christmas and Happy Yule from all of us here at The BigFella's Guide!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The BigFellas Guide to... Fashion?
Okay, so before the raging guffaws begin, NO I DID NOT WRITE THIS! If anything I have a better chance of playing a victim of a fatal tie and belt matching error (yes, that was a drawn out way of calling myself a fashion victim) on CSI than I do of ever, ever really knowing all that much about fashion suggestions for a BigFella. Trust me on this one. I'm so bad off that after my divorce a female friend went through my wardrobe, left for a few minutes, then came back with a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy book and a trashbag. Yeah, it was that bad.
Instead of attempting this travesty on my own, I've enlisted some help from my friend LeighAnne who, earlier in her writing career, did the fashion magazine "thing" and just happened to retain an interest over the years. What she's done is put together some general suggestions for all of us and hopefully we'll all be able to find something we can use. My assignment to her was simple: write up a basic set of fashion tips for large men 5'7" and taller (believe it or not under 5'7" makes a difference). The tips should be simple, easy to remember, and should make sense to your average straight guy (not being exclusionary, just honest - gay men are for the most part born knowing this crap). The goal is to help some of us look generally more acceptable, not be fashion geniuses.
Here's her response:
1. First, take a hard look in the mirror.
Do this both literally and metaphorically. Literally to accept the body you've got, not the one you'll have in six months of "crushing it at the gym." Clothes don't shrink that much dear. One of the first steps to dressing well is to accept the skin you're in, so to speak. Muscle or fat, you're a big dude so deal with it. Metaphorically to accept who you are. If you're comfortable in jeans and t-shirts you probably don't need to own a tuxedo. Blue collar guys don't need white collar wardrobes, although the same isn't necessary so in reverse. Also, while you're at it, take a look at your underwear. You are wearing some, right? Good. Now for the hard question: what are you wearing? If the answer is tighty whities, please stop letting your mother buy your unmentionables hon. Repeat after me: boxer briefs.
2. Destroy the time machine that is your closet.
Tough love time. If it doesn't fit, you haven't worn it in years, or you bought it more than five years ago, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET RID OF IT.
3. Get real about your job.
The old rule of thumb is to dress for the job you want, not the one you have. That holds very true unless you build houses all day and dream of a job in high finance. Your work clothes should fit in with your job seamlessly. Don't be the guy who comes on a job site in dress pants, or the guy who wears flip flops to a board meeting.
4. Stick with basics.
Unless you are gifted with a fashion forward mate or the budget for a personal shopper, please don't buy into trends. Repeat after me: solid colors, small patterns. The larger the pattern, the smaller the frame it was intended for. If you don't believe me, ask a certain 6'9" friend of mine who came to one of my parties in a large blue and white checkerboard shirt circa 2004. He was the largest Kansas picnic blanket I've ever seen.
5. Don't cut yourself in half / Don't overmatch
If you're going to take the risk of wearing one color head to toe (i.e. black shirt and pants), please make sure they are the same tone and not faded. New black dress pants and your favorite old black golf shirt are not going to look good together, I promise. Also, don't wear a light belt with dark colors or a dark belt with light colors. You're a big guy and you're going to essentially draw a line across your body (as in a magician was sawing you in half).
6. Find a fashion role model
This one may backfire on me but here goes: find a celebrity whose personal style you admire. The caveat should be that their style should at least somewhat match your own personal joie de vivre. For example, if you're not an NBA player, they may not be the best fashion template. There are some NFL players that keep it within reason though, and a lot of music stars as well. Check out Toby Keith and Trace Adkins when they're not doing their on stage redneck act. Those guys are huge and still look fairly well put together.
7. Find a tailor
Yeah, this one is going to hurt as well. Most men don't want to bother with a tailor because they feel like it makes them fussy. Hon, this is simple. Off the rack looks off the rack, even moreso on a big guy because the larger you are the fewer things are actually made for you. I have a friend that is a bodybuilder who has all of his dress shirts custom made because he simply cannot find a shirt made off the rack that will fit his arms. The other great thing about a tailor is that they can make little adjustments fairly inexpensively that will make off the rack look custom. Also, the best thing about a tailor is they can write down your CORRECT MEASUREMENTS on a little card you can keep in your wallet so you don't have to guess at XXL or XXLT or whatever.
8. Be willing to start in small stages.
No one can afford a total wardrobe overhaul right now, but do little things along the way. Buy all new socks this month, new underwear next month, etc. Buy one good suit (black or navy please) if you don't wear them regularly. Buy two pairs of jeans that fit you correctly(!!!) and learn to not dry them in the dryer! Buy an iron and learn how to use it. Buy two new tees and throw four out.
9. Part with logos.
Some clothing was meant to be worn with a large emblem on the chest, aka The Polo Shirt. However, not everything is meant to be emblazoned with the manufacturer's logo, that is unless you enjoy looking like a walking billboard. Under Armour is awesome stuff, but is it so great that you will gladly pay them for the privilege of advertising for them? Just food for thought.
And the most important of all my hints...
Remember this among all else...
This will save your ass every time...
10. Know where to shop for you!
You're a big guy. You worked hard in some form or fashion to get that way. There was a lot of weight or beer curled to get those big arms of yours. Do you really think WalMart buys for people like you? Get online. Do some research. Ask your friends who are not sartorially challenged (that means they have nice clothes). I did a little digging myself and here's what I found for stores that cater to larger men:
Macy's - JC Penney - Big and Tall (much better choices than they used to have) - Joseph A. Bank - Target (if you're careful) - Duluth Trading Company (extra long shirts are a must) - Carhartt - Dickies - Sears (if you absolutely must) - Military Surplus (heavy duty stuff for cheap, and honestly, what man doesn't need to own a field jacket)
I hope that helps you out a little guys. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I Pick Things Up and Put Them Down
by Brian Pittman
If you'll remember back to one of the opening posts for this blog, we posed the question of what actually is a BigFella? Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you that answers to that particular question have been kicked around more than a big shiny soccer ball on the floor of the special kids classroom.
One of the founding tenets of this blog is that we want to make it about all things of, by, and for large men that aren't necessarily readily available through other outlets. For example, we probably won't spend a huge amount of time discussing football right now because that's how most of us spend our freetime in the fall anyway, but we will tell you not to bother buying warm up pants at Soffee if you've ever spent anytime at all developing your legs. (Couldn't get the biggest size they carry in store over my calves much less over my knees - being large is a beautiful thing sometimes...)
After a lot of consideration, my workout partner Brandon Stoops and I decided to go ahead and post our current workouts online. Why are we doing this? Well for one we're in desperate need of content but mainly a large number of men spend a lot of time in the gym without any focus or direction and we thought that we'd share what little we know along the way. Not to in any way say we're some kind of fitness geniuses, in fact we're far from it, but since this site is all about sharing information and ideas we figured we'd put it out there for general consumption or ridicule.
A few caveats etcetera before you begin:
1) Please don't start any workout program without consulting a physician.
2) Neither Brian Pittman or Brandon Stoops are certified personal trainers and while the workouts posted on this site are for information and entertainment purposes, they may not be right for you individually. Seek professional guidance if necessary.
3) Please use weights that you can handle. The gym is no place for an ego trip. These workouts tend to be on the rough side with a lot of compound movements and heavy weight. BEING STUPID WHILE WORKING WITH WEIGHT CAN AND WILL GET YOU HURT SO DON'T DO IT!
4) These workouts are designed to focus on functional strength. They tend to focus more on the power lifting side of things than bodybuilding. They will not make you any prettier, we promise.
5) If you are working out regularly already but are not supplementing with protein, we highly recommend doing so during these workouts. Your body will thank you. This does not mean, however, that you run out and become a supplement monkey. As with everything else, ask a pro to teach you what you need to know before you mortgage your house to pay your GNC bill.
6) The workouts are designed to run in six week cycles with a week off in between to rest and recover / test maxes / etc. We cannot stress this enough: OVERTRAINING WILL GET YOU INJURED FASTER THAN ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF BEING A MORON.
7) You need a trainnig partner. Deal with it. Unless you enjoy being that guy with a barbell on his chest screaming for help, it might be time to make a friend or two.
8) As with anything else, you will only get out of these workouts what you put in, period.
9) Hopefully this goes without saying but these workouts will make you sore and tired. If you are so sore that you have trouble moving, you may be using too much weight. Back off a bit and get your eight hours each night.
10) Recovery time is critical. Five days a week is plenty, trust us on this one!
9) Hopefully this goes without saying but these workouts will make you sore and tired. If you are so sore that you have trouble moving, you may be using too much weight. Back off a bit and get your eight hours each night.
10) Recovery time is critical. Five days a week is plenty, trust us on this one!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Straight Outta Mike Tyson's Punchout
Happy Saturday all!
I'm sure by now most of you have seen and/or heard about the Cleveland bus driver who uppercut and threw an abusive woman off his bus after she assaulted him. If you haven't seen this yet, you can view it here.
(By the way, this video is highly NSFW in case you were wondering...)
(By the way, this video is highly NSFW in case you were wondering...)
Whether you feel his actions were appropriate or not, you have to give the man some props for standing up for himself. I'm not one to advocate raising your hands to a female in any but the most severe situations, BUT, this was just exponentially nuts.
As soon as I saw it, all I could think of was this.
Of course, YouTube has gone crazy with this.
The best one I've seen so far:
I'd like to hear your comments on whether or not you think this guy acted appropriately, if he was out of line, or what. If you will, please put all your thoughts in the comments section as let's see what everyone has to say.
Now touch gloves and come out swinging!
Friday, October 12, 2012
More On BigFellas and Women
Wow! Talk about brewing up a storm! Ever since we published "Anna's" guest blog about women and BigFellas a few days ago the email stack has gone a bit goofy. Most of the responses have been pretty frank and funny. A few have even been bluer than even I like to work. While all of them were great, there were a few of the slightly more in-depth responses that I felt needed to be shared. Here they are, but please be forewarned that a couple are a bit straightforward so the NSFW flag needs to be flown just in case. Feel free to keep the comments coming at bigfellasguide@gmail.com - Brian
from Robin H.
I have something to add to the tiny girl big guy post. My tastes in men have changed radically since I turned 30. I used to like guys that were ripped up, manscaped, and in touch with their feelings. Then I dated a man (used loosely) who both waxed and cried more than I do. I couldn't take it anymore. I am supposed to be the pretty one in the relationship. For my 30th birthday some friends of mine and I got a mountain cabin for a weekend. We went to a local bar and I swear I got swept off my feet and on to my back. This was a man. He was tall, strong, beard, the whole nine. 180 degrees from everything I knew. I now categorically refuse to date normal sized guys. You don't have to be tall but you had better know what the inside of a gym looks like. No offense intended to regular guys or pretty boys but you just don't do it anymore. I went beast and never looked back.
from Linda T.
You can try to blame it on biological imperative if you'd like. Women have always wanted a strong provider. In the 80's it was about money and power. For nearly one and a half decades it was about attractiveness and civility. Now it's slowly working back around to physical prowess and dominance again. I find it interesting that even though it's not necessary in our modern world any longer, women will still get a-flutter over a man with huge arms, a wide back, and a cute rear no matter how old we are.
from name withheld:
Please realize that there is an entire segment of the gay community dedicated to large men. We call them bears. The men that like them are called cubs. Do some Googling people. It's amazing.
from Honor R.:
Here's my version of the dirty secret on this subject. Women have become more sexually predatory than they've ever been. I'm hot and I work hard to stay that way. I want a man big enough and strong enough to make me feel like a woman. No matter what he does or how much money he makes, if I'm busting my tits in spin class he needs to be man enough to be worth my effort. Little guys may get the benefit of a drunken slip up but it takes a man to keep me.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
BigFellas and Women: A Guest Blog
This week's guest blog was written by a friend of mine who wishes to remain nameless for what will probably be very obvious reasons once you start reading. She contacted me when she heard about the new blog starting up and wanted to, in her words, share some secrets about women with the BigFellas. This one might qualify as NSFW but I leave that to your discretion. Enjoy! - Brian
Call me Anna.
In one of the few English classes I didn’t sleep through in High School we read a book about some guy hunting a whale. It started out like that and I always thought it was kind of cool. When I decided to write this piece, especially since I’m not going to use my real name anyway, I thought I’d go for something as pretentious as possible so someone reading it might think I was smart or literate or something and give what I had to say a shot.
In one of the few English classes I didn’t sleep through in High School we read a book about some guy hunting a whale. It started out like that and I always thought it was kind of cool. When I decided to write this piece, especially since I’m not going to use my real name anyway, I thought I’d go for something as pretentious as possible so someone reading it might think I was smart or literate or something and give what I had to say a shot.
I’d like to start out by saying congratulations to my friends at The BigFella’s Guide on the start of the blog and hello to everyone reading. If you’re wondering why I’m not using my real name, well, the simple answer is that my boyfriend is a really private guy and I just know he’d be mortified by what I have to say.
Our topic today is that I have a little personal issue. You
could call it a habit, maybe a problem, in worse case I might even be honest
and call it a pattern of addiction. No,
I’m not some kind of powder monkey with a fake crucifix full of blow in my
purse. My addiction is to one thing: large men.
I guess I should be clear with what I mean by an addiction. Since my sophomore year in college I have not dated a single man under 6’4” and 250 pounds. I’m a very fit 5’2” but before you start laughing at the cliché you should give me a chance to explain myself. When it comes to my definition of what a man should be, I really hate to say it “out loud” but those so-called normal sized men out there just don’t get me wet. I guess I should have warned you I get a little blunt but hey, who’s to say a little shock value doesn’t make a girl interesting? So yeah, when it comes to men, bigger is the only way I go. My friends call me a size queen. I’ll give you a hint though: the size I’m interested isn’t necessarily hiding in your underwear buddy. Besides, I don’t know if a woman’s ever told you this BigFellas, but when you’re over a foot taller than me, outweigh me by more than 100 pounds and can bench press more than three times what I weigh, son you can be the most average man on the planet in the dick department. Once you flip me over on my back and nearly dislocate my hips when you’re on top of me it feels like a god is fucking me unless you just have no clue in the sack, believe me.
You see, the thing a lot of people don’t understand is that
when it comes to what works for a woman in a man, there’s a dirty secret that
most women won’t tell you. I may get in
trouble with the girls’ club but here it is.
No matter how politically correct we are and how supportive we are of the
men in our lives, deep down we all, every last one of us, want a real
man. We want the big muscled up beast that can throw us over his shoulder and
savage us in the bedroom. We just want
him to bathe regularly, be a little bit civilized in front of our friends and
family and to treat us with respect.
Oh yeah, and one more thing.
When the woman in your life asks you to open a jar or pick up one end of
the couch or kill bugs or other manly shit IT IS A TEST. We want to make sure
our man is actually a man when it comes down to it. Have you seen a ridiculously hot woman with
some huge, scruffy dude and wondered how the hell that happened? Guess what my
friend. I’d bet you he passed the test
somewhere along the way, maybe even better than anyone else ever did.
So BigFellas I hope you enjoy this little tiny bit of
insight into women. Maybe some of you
might even learn a thing or two. Good
luck and God bless.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Gym Bashing
by Brian Pittman
For those of you that are my friend on Facebook, you probably saw that I got a little overheated with a knucklehead over his bashing someone's gym accomplishments. If you didn't see, we aren't friends yet, or you (hopefully) just ignored it, the basic rundown is this: some guy got on his Facebook page and made a celebratory post about how he could finally bench press 135 pounds. The douchebucket in question proceeded to ridicule his achievement. I read it, unfriended the assclown, and went off a bit.
For those of you that are my friend on Facebook, you probably saw that I got a little overheated with a knucklehead over his bashing someone's gym accomplishments. If you didn't see, we aren't friends yet, or you (hopefully) just ignored it, the basic rundown is this: some guy got on his Facebook page and made a celebratory post about how he could finally bench press 135 pounds. The douchebucket in question proceeded to ridicule his achievement. I read it, unfriended the assclown, and went off a bit.
The whole issue (as is usually the case) shouldn't have really got my back up except for two small little basic facts: 1 - it's never right to bag on someone else's accomplishments and 2 - I have just gone through something similar myself.
A little bit of personal history is probably in order. I've always been a big guy. I'm 6'9" tall and for most of my adult life (25+) I've been between marginally and oh-damn overweight. I went through a divorce on my 30th birthday and found myself on the otherside of a minor cardiac event when I weighed 380 lbs. I joined a gym, even worked for a few, and over the next few years got myself down to 265 and in great shape. Fast forward to this year. Over the past year my weight had been getting out of hand due to stress eating and the only thing I would do to take care of myself was push the occasional loaded van or lift the occasional refrigerator at work for stress relief. That job ended in January of this year and I found myself at 38 years old, unemployed, and continually stress eating. About the time I reached 330 lbs. my buddy Brandon basically shamed me into starting back at the gym. In retrospect, he probably saved my life. As most BigFellas know, by the time a man reaches that 40th birthday his body changes hormonally and things start to slow down permanently. If it's broke and you don't try to fix it by then, it either not going to get fixed or you'll have to move hell itself to do so. Reluctantly, I drug my fat ass in and started making some changes.
Here's one of the reasons I got so bent out of shape over this moron's comments: when I started back to the gym in April I couldn't bench 135! 95 lbs felt like a safe on my chest. This is coming from the guy who in college 20 years ago could toss 315 up like it won't no thing and maxed at 405. I even forced myself to cheat just to keep some dignity and ended up hurting my shoulder, again. Finally and after much prodding I had to relearn that the gym isn't about your ego, it's about building your body. Six months later and thanks to muscle memory, plenty of protein, and some workout partners with clear mental issues I'm back pushing around what I consider grown up weight again but it's not been without a hellatious amount of work. I understand exactly where the dude proud of his 135 is coming from completely and it absolutely drives me bonkers that this kid chose to mock someone for not being as "strong" as he is. What does it fucking matter, really?
A friend of mine had this to say about strength and I think it makes perfect sense. He said that the test of strength is not how pretty you look or how big the muscles are (insert your best Arnold impression), it's whether or not it's functional and you can actually do something with it. It's my strong suggestion for this kid that he stop flexing his pretty in the mirror and try shaking someone's hand for their achievement. It's amazing how that tricep and forearm work together to get that accomplished numbnuts.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
So What's a BigFella Anyway?
by Brian Pittman
We've all heard someone utter the phrase "Easy Big Fella" before in response to a large and unruly person or animal or in some cases large and furry hybrid of the two. The entire idea for this blog came about during a conversation several months ago in which someone made that remark and the next hour was spent trying to actually define what a BigFella actually is. The question proved a little more complicated than a few knuckleheads and a case of beer could work out, unlike world peace, so the idea was crafted that maybe a blog should be started to better explore the whole concept.
We've all heard someone utter the phrase "Easy Big Fella" before in response to a large and unruly person or animal or in some cases large and furry hybrid of the two. The entire idea for this blog came about during a conversation several months ago in which someone made that remark and the next hour was spent trying to actually define what a BigFella actually is. The question proved a little more complicated than a few knuckleheads and a case of beer could work out, unlike world peace, so the idea was crafted that maybe a blog should be started to better explore the whole concept.
So, here we are, blog in hand, and still trying to "suss out" the real definition of a BigFella. Why is this problematic? Well, to be honest, there's just no easy way to identify all things BigFella. Sure there are some easy qualifiers but there's also a lot of grey area as well.
Let's start simply. A BigFella is first and foremost male. Does this mean that this site is anti-female and that the little pink mafia is hunting us down as we speak? Not in the slightest. One thing that a little web surfing / research / procrastinating revealed is that there just aren't that many resources out there for larger than average men be it for reasons of height, weight, musculature, or any combination thereof. Women, on the other hand, can find answers to any of life's musings at the touch of a button, or at least it would so seem. But not to fret, however, there will still be female contributors to the blog. There is already one guest blog for us in development on what it's like to be a small woman and have a bad habit of dating very large men.
So we've established that BigFellas are male, but what else defines who they are? Considering the average man in the US is 5'7" tall and weighs about 150 lbs., I would consider an automatic inclusion to the BigFella definition anyone who is 6' or taller and 200 lbs or more. 6'2"? Gotcha covered! 5'9" and 310 pounds? You are so in and god bless you sir. Another easy qualifier is men who are large not by benefit of stature but by musculature. Are your arms so large that normal golf shirts scream in pain and you have to buy a size larger pants to get them over your quads? Welcome sir. Do you choose to wear Dickies work shirts simply because they are comfortable and don't rip down the back when you inadvertently flex your back? Thanks for joining us!
Now we've come to my favorite part of the BigFella definition: those who qualify not by physical presence but by attitude, word, or deed alone. The BigFella's Guide is all about the alpha male in this world, the man who leads by example, the man who stands up for what he believes in and does the best he can to do right in his family and community. A BigFella is anyone willing to run toward danger, not away from it, and anyone who makes their living protecting and serving others is an automatic inclusion as far as we're concerned. To all law enforcement, public safety, and military out there, congratulations on yet another recognition, now as a BigFella, as well as a quick and sincere thank you.
So there you have it - the most nebulous as possible definition for the term BigFella. It's going to grow and change with time we're quite sure, but for now we'll take this as a starting point. Welcome to all we hope you enjoy all the great stuff we have to come!
Playground... BigFella Style
The outdoor facilities at Clayton Fitness. One of the many reasons I love this place!!
Guest Blog: Being Big Is the Best Disguise
To start us off here on The BigFella's Guide, I'd like to repost a guest blog from Brandon Stoops, a writer and hardcore BigFella that will be a regular contributor to the site. Brandon's little essay was originally published on our sponsor blog, The Cynical Sarcastic, earlier this year and remains one of their most popular posts. Granted our fearless author here has lost about fifty pounds since he wrote this piece (go 'head on, B!), he's still one of the largest human beings / Wookiee's-in-training I know and I couldn't think of a better way to get our BigFella's project off and running.
Take it away Brandon!
Big is the Best Costume by Brandon Stoops
For the better part of my childhood I was the Butterball turkey kid of every classroom I walked into. I was too shy to do anything in public, whether it was reading aloud or talking to girls. A funny thing happened along the way. I discovered these wonderful things called testosterone production and weight rooms and they became my friends. After a few years I grew to be my now 6’1”and three-hundred pound self. It kind of goes without saying that I am no longer the fat kid in class: I’m now the monster that ate that fat kid, but in a good way.
I hear a lot of people say they’d like to be big. They don’t realize that it has its share of problems. People look at big folks like me and don’t see our true selves. They don’t see the big goof. They see the large, tattooed and angry white guy with a beard that looks like the Viking raiding party just set the house on fire with them in it. Don’t get me wrong. The shock and awe factor never gets old but it isn’t who most of us big folk really are.
The older I get the more I find that laughter is the ultimate source of happiness. This is great because I like making people laugh, hard. I’m usually down for most anything, even when I find myself as the butt of the joke. Most of the time it’s worth it, particularly if it cheers up a sad friend or just gets everyone laughing, even if it’s at my expense. The fact is that most of us big people have a sense of humor and really like to use it. You probably don’t know it but most big folk don’t mind jumping in on a joke and flopping around in it like a giant baby in water wings.
Shocking, ain’t it?
There is more to us big folks, however, aside from just making others giggle. The amount of stupid stuff and somewhat useful information that rattles around in my ol’ noggin has surprisingly not been dulled all that much from all the shots to the head I’ve taken over the years. Who says helmets don’t work?
Wait, where was I? Oh yeah.
I don’t let it be known right off if you don’t know me that I’m actually somewhat intelligent. Like I said the shock and awe factor never really gets old although just once I’d like to meet someone who didn’t immediately twist my arm around and try to read my damn tattoos. That’s one of the reasons being big is such a great costume. I truly love the fact that people judge me by what I look like and think that just because I can lift a refrigerator that I must be as dumb as one. Yes we all know guys that can pick up a car but can’t spell the word but there really aren’t a lot of us like that. It has a ‘k’ in it, right?
And now for the one serious part of this post. Please understand that big folk are not big for your convenience. I’m big and strong because I made the decision to be so and I have literally sweated blood to become this way. I decided at a young age that if I was going to be big I was going to be strong too. I made a change in my life. I dedicated myself. I hurt every day. I eat more than your family on any given day because this body I built for myself demands it. Most people don’t realize that the damage I have done to my body to become this size will cause it to wear out faster and I will die earlier than most of you. Do I mind all this, no. This is the choice I made. What I mind is when you expect me to be your pack mule because you’re too lazy to carry that bag of dog food to your cart. What I also mind is all the violent talk that flies my direction just because I am larger than most. When is the last time someone told you they would rather shoot you than fight you if they made you mad? If you only knew how many times a week I hear that crap and have to turn and go on my merry way before the Sickness descends upon me (thank you Mr. Draiman). Folks, even if I was born five hundred years too late, violence isn’t an acceptable thing in our society and us big folks appreciate that kind of junk even less than you normal people do. I like many of you was taught as a kid to not act up and honestly I just don’t want to be that guy. I’d rather be known as the guy you can goof with and the big teddy bear and not the guy you can’t cut your eyes at. I’m much rather be known for cutting up, carrying on, these deep blue eyes and my Southern form of English that I forget how to speak right sometimes, especially when she’s just that purty!
With all that said I’ll shut up now. If you’ve made it this far, well, I’d say I’m sorry but yeah well. Just remember that you never really know someone until you make them laugh. This goes for you whether you’re big, small, fat, skinny, black, white, plaid, purple, or whatever.
Please don’t make me start quoting Forrest Gump here folks. It ain’t pretty.
Thanks for listening and all but if I were you I’d move.
You’re between me and the dinner table.
![]() |
Get this comparison much? You might be a BigFella! |
Welcome to The BigFella's Guide!
Subtle, huh?
Well, get used to it.
Welcome to The BigFella's Guide,
a new blog dedicated to those large folk among us
and those who are large just by the sheer force of their "muchness."
(Yes we made an Alice in Wonderland joke, deal with it.)
This blog will be a celebration of what it means to be a large person in this world
as well as a resource for whatever needs a BigFella may have.
Everyone is welcome here, even if you're not what many might consider a BigFella.
We have an open contributor policy and any emails and comments are always welcome.
Our email address is bigfellasguide@gmail.com
So again, welcome, and congratulations on being a BigFella!
So again, welcome, and congratulations on being a BigFella!
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